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Study Guides

Ready for a different kind of Bible study?

Start outside the Bible and discover the Bible inside! We call it "Bibleizing"!


Looking for a special program? A Sunday lesson series for tweens or young adults? A youth summer reading group?


Our study guides begin with a popular book or movie and connect it to related Bible passage look-ups for discussion, comparison and reflection. The Bible, and our Christian faith, with its themes, human insights, messages and concepts, is so much a part of the stories we love, it's a natural fit.

The challenge? Look up the indicated Bible passage, and discuss how it relates. Students learn how to find things in the Bible and come to appreciate that Bible inspiration can be found almost anywhere, once you know to look for it.

  • Easy to use: All prompts and discussion questions included. No prep except reading the book ahead of time.

  • Easy to follow: Chapter-by-chapter organization.

  • Provides a context to discuss the implications, emotions, and choices; the moments of grace and spirit.

 The Bible in the Hunger Games 

A Five Star Review on Amazon titled "Youth Enjoyed":

"I found many connections in this book that started conversation between the youth. Plus we thought of connections with our lives today. Most youth have either read the books or seen the movie and it was fresh in their minds. We are doing the study then taking an evening to watch the movie again."

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